Interactions of possibility

You do not have to worry about your future.

                                                (Fortune Cookie)


Emergence is holistic:

It is both a product and a process,

being and becoming.

the border between now and when.


Emergence is porous allowing interactions of possibility.


The process?

top down and bottom up at the same time

involving many different things, events … people

it is everywhere ~ some might say it is an underlying universal pattern.


Dynamic and random:

is not for everyone

although it is worthwhile to remember that random means dense

not unpredictable.


The volume and density of information creates confusion

yet theoretically,

with time and distance,

allows predictability.


Possibility needs fluidity

organic, non-linear, unplanned disequilibrium.


It needs energy.

movement to build momentum.

In the clusters, networks, neighbourhoods of short range energy ~

a willingness to be unaware of the system as a whole.


There is no formal leader or controller. Leadership is decentralized.

It is counter intuitive.




It is the moment when self-organization occurs.


You do not have to worry about your future.